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The Ngaio School Board of Trustees is made up of 5 elected parent representatives, the school Principal and a staff representative.
Elections are held once every three years and the last election was held in September 2022.

Our Board newsletters can be found on the Newsletters page on this website

Our Board Members

Find out more about our board members by clicking on their name below.

  • Raewyn Watson; Principal
  • Joe Winton, Presiding Member
  • Emma Andrews, Parent Representative
  • Sarah Deans, Parent Representative
  • Hannah Ross-McAlpine, Parent Representative
  • Daniel Mumford, Parent Representative
  • Dan Byrne, Staff Representative
  • Katy Robertson, Board Administrator

Our Board newsletters can be found on the Newsletters page

For more information on the roles and responsibilities of Boards, please see the Ministry of Education’s website.

The Board’s Role

The Board of Trustees is responsible for the Governance of Ngaio School. We work in partnership with communities, principals, teachers and the government to ensure the best possible education outcomes for all children. The functions of the Board include:

  • Establishing the purpose and aims of the school, as set out in the school Charter
  • Setting priorities and goals for the improvement of learning in the school
  • Approving allocation of resources to ensure the best outcomes for our children
  • Reporting to both the school community and the government.

Our Board newsletters can be found on the Newsletters page

For more information on the roles and responsibilities of Boards, please see the Ministry of Education’s website.

Board Meetings

In 2024 the Board will meet on the Thursday of weeks 3 and 8 each term at 7:00pm in the staff room. These meetings are held in public so everyone is welcome.


Strategic Plan

School strategic plans usually cover a three year period, but in line with Ministry of Education guidelines, we have developed a plan for the next two only so that future plans sync up with board terms. 

Each year we highlight specific things we will focus on in the upcoming year towards the goals and initiatives in the strategic plan. 

You can view the high level version of the 2024-25 Strategic Plan and 2024 Annual Implementation Plan on the school website through this link Strategic Plan 2024-2025.pdf

Contacting the Board

Members of the school community are always welcome to contact the Board. The easiest way to do this is via email to the Presiding Member,  Joe Winton –   However please note that issues of concern relating to specific children or school staff should always be raised in the first instance with those most directly involved, and with school management.